Open Letter to Dr. Sebert & the Board
March 31, 2023
Good afternoon, Dr. Sebert, Dr. Piacsek and SDW Board members,
First, I’d just like to say, “Happy Trans Day of Visibility!” I hope you’re all finding at least some small way to celebrate inclusion and acceptance today.
According to the “Stakeholder Communication Email” sent to SDW families today, “At no time was the Superintendent or the Board of Education involved in the decision about either song, other than to uphold the routine and reasonable decisions made by the administrators. At no time did the Superintendent or Board of Education insert themselves into the song selection at the school level or ban, block or bar any pieces of music from the 1st grade concert lineup.” I call BS.
Because you created, approved and implemented the intentionally ambiguous, anxiety-inducing Policy 2240, which was used to determine if “Rainbowland” was an appropriate song for Heyer’s first graders to sing, you are directly involved in the banning of “Rainbowland” from the concert. If educators didn’t feel threatened by your policy, the song would not have been banned. It’s that simple.
Today’s email says that Policy 2240 “states controversial topics include those which might create significant disagreement within the community, which this topic certainly has done.” I’m still unclear as to what topic in the song is perceived to be controversial. Inclusion? Acceptance? Unity? It seems to me that it is Policy 2240, NOT “Rainbowland,” that is creating controversy.
Your email also states, “Given the availability of many other fun and age-appropriate songs for the concert, these administrators felt there was no need to add this piece of music. The decision was made after careful consideration of the appropriateness in the school environment of the subject matter addressed by the song’s lyrics, especially in light of the age and maturity level of the students.” What is it exactly about the “subject matter addressed by the song’s lyrics” that is not appropriate considering “the age and maturity level of the students”? How is the subject matter less appropriate than the lyrics of “Rainbow Connection”? Why was “Rainbow Connection” banned originally? Why was it reinstated?
You conclude your email to SDW families by lamenting that, “This overall situation has been trying; placing undue burden on our school and district staff. This is a matter that should have been handled at the school level and in accordance with Policy 3179 – Employee Concerns. Steps are being taken to ensure that this matter is addressed in accordance with applicable Board of Education policies.” I am absolutely disgusted that you refuse to take any responsibility for the song’s banning as well as the public response to it. Stop blaming the teacher who exposed your policy, Policy 2240, for what it truly is—a disgrace. Stop scapegoating the principal for banning the song when your policy, Policy 2240, and your previous actions, such as suspending without pay a teacher who refused to remove a rainbow flag from her classroom, gave him no choice in the matter.
YOU created, approved and implemented Policy 2240. YOU have the power to override the ban and reinstate “Rainbowland” in time to be performed at the concert. YOU can choose to:
Brush the judgment and fear aside
Make wrong things right
And end the fight
‘Cause I promise ain’t nobody gonna win
-excerpt from “Rainbowland”